As the sun arose above the Mountains the air loaded with the rich perfume of clover and wildflowers. And the heavy mountain dew looking like drops of silver on the rich leaves and blossoms. ----- I was looking around at the beautiful mountain scenery around me. Each side of the road being thickly lined with… Continue reading Nature Speaks
Hidden Beauty
Have you ever heard a story about a painting thought to be created by an amateur artist, but after being authenticated, was instantly promoted from an ordinary painting to a rare and valuable piece of art? What was considered worthless, not fit to be hung on a wall, became a treasured piece of art, worthy… Continue reading Hidden Beauty
When we reach the other side
I saw a picture of a nurse today on Facebook. She looked traumatized from the day she spent in the ICU. My heart went out to her as much as the patient who died on her shift. She is at ground zero of this pandemic while I wait it out in my comfortable home. As… Continue reading When we reach the other side
God has set eternity in the human heart
Ecclesiastes 3:11 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. With the unprecedented chaos going on in the world today because of COVID-19, our global community is being faced with the reality of how susceptible we… Continue reading God has set eternity in the human heart
They will have no fear of bad news
Psalms 112:6-9 Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. 7 They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. 8 Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes. 9 They have freely scattered their… Continue reading They will have no fear of bad news
Treasures in jars of clay
Jars of clay: Ordinary, common, easily broken, worn and cracked. Our mind and bodies are like these clay jars: susceptible to becoming fragile, broken and worn with use. But it is human nature to hide our weaknesses. We prefer to appear indestructible and exquisite rather than fragile and ordinary. We cover our clay jar… Continue reading Treasures in jars of clay
Be Still to Move Forward
Julia stands perfectly still in the middle of the trail. The memory of her mother passing away two years ago on this day halted her steps. Tears trickle down her face as she breathes in every detail of this moment. The spectacular view, the brisk air, the way her heart feels as it beats in… Continue reading Be Still to Move Forward
Creating a Values-Based Vision Board
Proverbs 3:5-6 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) 5 Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. 6 With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way. If you are like me, you want to live intentionally in 2020, but you just can’t get yourself to write… Continue reading Creating a Values-Based Vision Board
Don’t Rush the Journey
Proverbs 19:2 Desire without knowledge is not good— how much more will hasty feet miss the way! The young girl is 11 years of age. She sits on her suitcase on the side of the road. Where is she going? Anywhere but here is how she would answer. She is looking down and doesn’t notice… Continue reading Don’t Rush the Journey
Run Your Own Race
“Life is a marathon, not a sprint.” Phillip C. McGraw. Yes, life is like running in a marathon: it is lengthy and difficult and requires a lot of preparation and endurance. But comparison is the thief of joy. While running, you will be tempted to look around and see how you are measuring up to… Continue reading Run Your Own Race