Jars of clay: Ordinary, common, easily broken, worn and cracked.
Our mind and bodies are like these clay jars: susceptible to becoming fragile, broken and worn with use.
But it is human nature to hide our weaknesses. We prefer to appear indestructible and exquisite rather than fragile and ordinary. We cover our clay jar with fancy paint and fill in every crack to disguise how it has become broken and faded with age. Sometimes we do not want to spill any of the contents, so the inside becomes stagnate. Eventually, the contents slowly seep through the cracks. When we become more concerned about what everyone thinks about the outside of our jar rather than what is inside, our jar suffers an identity crisis – it is not functioning according to its purpose. Clay jars are to be filled up, poured out and then filled up again. But this jar oozes rather than pours even though it has a façade that looks slick and fancy.
I must admit that looking like an ordinary jar has not always been enough for me. There is this dreamer in me that longs stand out, be beautiful, unique and special. This desire has fueled my motivation to be a productive and accomplished person. It has spurred me on to major in music in college so that I could perform in front of others, diet so that I’ll fit in a cute dress and fill up my closet with clothes, work out in the gym to be toned, put in ridiculous hours to learn new skills in my IT career to have financial stability, work hard to buy a house, renovate the house and shop at Home Goods to decorate the house.
And after all this effort I can still struggle with thinking I’m not good enough.
After decades of striving really, really hard in all areas of my life, I have accepted this truth:
No matter how hard I try to be an unworn, unbroken and uncracked jar, I will still be a worn, broken and cracked jar. Why? Because my flesh is weak and susceptible to sin.
However, the condition of the jar is not where the value lies.
2 Corinthians 4:7-11 says that, these cracked, fragile, faded and worn jars were created to hold a treasure.
7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. 12 So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.
These verses contain a truth that sets me straight every time I looked to myself to be great:
This all-surpassing power is from God and not from me.
This verse also says that to give room for God’s all-surpassing power, we need to carry around in us the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus will be revealed in our body. There isn’t room in our jar for both self-promotion and the promotion of God. We either fill up our jar with self or fill it up with God.
We make God’s glory evident when a weak vessel can be hard pressed on every side and yet not crushed. God’s power is unmistakable when a cracked clay jar can be struck down yet not destroyed.
God is willing to entrust us with his precious treasure – the Holy Spirit. The more we love and honor this treasure, the more it will transform us by God’s love. Then when we are hard pressed, this treasure spills out and the aroma of Christ fills the air.
Though I have been a dedicated church-going Christian most of my life, there were times I lost sight of the treasure and paid more attention to the outside of my jar. But my jar has been jostled and struck down enough times that I finally understand – in my heart and not just my head – what the Bible means when it says, “But we have these treasures in jars of clay.”
I created this table to compare what it looks like to focus on the jar rather than the treasure.

When we fully appreciate that God fills our ordinary, fragile jar of clay with treasures – his all surpassing power – then God gets all the glory, and our jar becomes very useful. Then when people look at this jar, they will say, “Wow, look at how great God is that He can make such a fragile piece of clay look so indestructible. There is no mistake God is inside that jar!”
The apostle Paul fully understood the value of this treasure. In 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 is says:
9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Are you focusing on the jar or the treasure?
Very thought provoking blog., Diane !
My weak vessel jar has been kicked , knocked down and jarred over the years but with God’s
love, strength and kindness, I have endured at even the worse of times.
All glory be to God .
Thanks Diane for another hands of God article!.
Thank you!! I’m glad you feel so loved and strengthened by God in your most difficult times.
Your post reminds me of a sermon that really made an impression on me. It was along the lines that we learn so much about ourselves when we’re under pressure. You can really tell what you’ve filled yourself up with when you’re put under pressure because the stuff that you’ve filled yourself up with begins to spill out. If you’ve filled yourself with Godly things, then God spills out. The comment, “ Then when we are hard pressed, this treasure spills out and the aroma of Christ fills the air,” really says it all.
Thanks for your specific feedback Jennifer. I love hearing about what you have heard in a sermon and how it relates to this blog post. ♥️
Love this blog Diane. Great truths!
Thanks ?
The imagery is out of this world!! I loved it. It was captivating “The aroma of Christ!!!” So profound. You have this great ability to show us the practical in the Word of God and I appreciate that. It makes it digestible and the imaginary allows me to carry the scriptures in my mind throughout the day. Thank you Diane for sharing. Well done.
Thanks for your encouraging feedback. God’s word uses objects and nature to explain concepts. This verse already had the comparison of people as jars and the treasure as God’s power so I just needed to take that concept and run with it. ?
I definitely feel hard pressed on every side…but my cracks reveal a self reliant heart.
Thanks to God that His power is made perfect in weakness
Excellent Diane
Don’t we all tend towards self reliance? That is my weakness too. Thank God He puts just enough pressure on our jar to help us rely on his power but not too much pressure that it crushes us so that we are destroyed. God’s power is made perfect in our weaknesses.
Diane this is so on target! As we age and see our skills , our youth, our energy levels, etc… diminishing, we can either run to the worlds solutions or into the arms of Christ. My peace and stability come from the word of God. I find that neglecting my time in the word is when I exhibit the most cracks in my life. When we plug the holes in our jars with the help of the power of the Holy Spirit, we become God focused instead of self. Thanks for the eloquent reminder!
Mary, so true. I like how you describe us either running to the world’s solution or running into the arms of Christ.